Evaluation Process

While every evaluation at MindWorks is individually-tailored to the goals of each patient, the following provides an overview of the general evaluation process that patients can expect:

Step 1: Referral and Initial Consultation

  • Prospective patients can be self-referred or referred by their healthcare provider or school.

  • Dr. Streicher provides a free initial phone consultation with the patient/parent to determine whether the requested services can be provided at MindWorks.
  • Patients/parents are asked to complete online registration forms and are sent a link to create a secure patient portal account.
  • Once the above steps have been completed, an initial diagnostic interview is scheduled.
  • Prior to the initial interview, patients/parents are asked to complete several clinical forms and share any pertinent outside records with Dr. Streicher for review to begin the evaluation process.

Step 2: Diagnostic Interview 

  • Patients and/or parents-only (depending on the age of the child and issues that need to be discussed) are seen for a diagnostic interview so that a detailed background history can be obtained to better understand the nature and context of the concerns.  The initial interview can be conducted in-person or via telehealth through a secure, HIPAA-compliant platform.

  • When the patient is a minor, both parents (or legal guardians) should attend the initial interview session.  In general, it is best for siblings NOT to attend the sessions.  For college-age students, a follow-up phone consultation with parents is typically conducted to obtain collateral background information.

  • Clinical information provided up to this point is used to develop a detailed evaluation plan with specific evaluation components and battery of tests that will be required to answer the questions that have been posed and/or make diagnostic decisions.
  • Following the initial interview, Dr. Streicher will provide each patient with a written comprehensive cost estimate for the evaluation.

Step 3: Testing and Consultation

  • Patients may be scheduled for 1 to 3 appointments to complete testing, in blocks of time that are dependent on the age of the patient and the range of issues to be assessed.  Testing is provided on an in-person basis.

  • Parent, teacher, and self behavior rating scales are completed.
  • Consultations with school staff, healthcare providers, and others who are integrally involved in the patient’s care are conducted to obtain a full picture of the patient’s current and past functioning and services/treatment history.
  • At times for younger children, depending on the nature of the evaluation, naturalistic behavioral observations (i.e., in-school) may be conducted.  

Step 4: Feedback

  • Following the completion of all evaluation components listed above, an appointment (i.e., “feedback session”) is scheduled for the parents (of children/adolescents) and/or the college student who has been evaluated.  Feedback on the results of the evaluation and diagnostic impressions (as applicable) are discussed, and individually-tailored treatments and intervention strategies are developed.  Feedback sessions can be conducted in-person or via telehealth through a secure HIPAA-compliant platform.

Step 5: Written Report Preparation

  • A written report can be provided, if requested, following the feedback session.  Written reports are tailored to the individual need of each patient.  For example, reports can range from a diagnosis verification letter to a brief summary of the major findings to a comprehensive, detailed report that includes information such as the reason for the evaluation, the patient's history, the evaluation components and tests used, test results and interpretations, diagnostic impressions (if applicable), and intervention recommendations.

Step 6: Follow-up Consultation

  • Follow-up consultation with parents, schools, or referring healthcare providers are available, as requested by the patient (or parent). 

    The purpose of such services might be to enhance communication of the evaluation findings and for collaboration and coordination of care.  This might include consultation with primary care providers about initiation of or changes to medication therapy, or consultation with the school system to advocate for 504/IEP accommodations and interventions at school, etc.  In other instances, parents might request brief consultation/training on specific issues identified during the evaluation in order to feel better equipped with “tools” to foster success in their child’s functioning. 


Office Hours




9:00 am-5:00 pm






9:00 am-5:00 pm



