Preparing for Your Evaluation

What records should I provide to Dr. Streicher to review?

A review of prior records is an important evaluation procedure and can assist in developing the most appropriate test battery (i.e., by avoiding any duplication of recent testing and supplementing prior testing results) as well as with decision-making about diagnoses and treatment recommendations by placing test results within the context of a patient’s history.

Please provide Dr. Streicher with copies (NOT originals) of the following records, preferably prior to your initial appointment.  However, if time does not allow for this, you can bring these records with you to your initial appointment.

All prior evaluation reports (including listing of test scores), which may have been conducted through the school or privately:
  • Psychological/Psychiatric evaluation reports
  • Cognitive/Intellectual testing reports
  • Developmental evaluation reports
  • Educational/Achievement testing reports
  • Speech-Language evaluation reports
  • Occupational Therapy evaluation reports
  • Physical Therapy evaluation reports

    Medical Records:
    Records that summarize any history of serious and/or chronic illnesses, injuries, surgeries, hospitalizations, vision and hearing tests, and current medications.  Sending copies of complete medical records is not necessary.

    Psychotherapy Records:
    Records that summarize the patient's diagnoses and response to treatment.

    School Records:
    You should obtain the following records from each school your child has attended.  If you have any difficulty obtaining these records, you may need to ask school staff to check your child’s “cumulative folder” which is the comprehensive file for all of your child’s school records.
    • Report cards from each year since entering school
    • Meeting minutes from any Child Study, Eligibility, 504 Plan and/or IEP meetings,, if your child has already been through the Child Study process and/or has an IEP or 504 Plan.
    • Other school records including disciplinary records (if applicable), behavioral observations, and written comments by teacher(s)

    How should I prepare my child for the evaluation?

    What you tell your child about his/her evaluation depends on how much he/she can understand. Be simple and brief and relate your explanation to a problem that your child knows about such as “trouble with reading,” “problems following directions,” or “feeling upset.” Tell your child that you are trying to understand his/her problem to make things better.  Reassure a worried child that testing will not involve any painful procedures or “shots.”  For school-age children, let your child know that he/she will be asked to do a variety of interesting activities (some that are game-like and others that are school-like) that range from simple to challenging.  Provide reassurance that “nobody gets every question right,” and that the most important thing to do is to “try your best.  For preschool-age children, you can describe the testing sessions as playing games involving puzzles, building things and drawing, listening, talking, and remembering information he/she is shown or told.  Your child is welcome to bring along a security object (like a favorite small toy), but try to chose one that will not be too distracting.  Parents are not typically in the same room as their child during testing sessions, but you can reassure your child that you will be close by and that he/she can take breaks to “check-in” with you, use the bathroom, or have a small snack.  Children should be well-rested prior to testing.  Also make sure your child has eaten a good meal so that he/she is not hungry during testing.  If your child wears glasses or hearing aids, make sure to bring these items.  If your child takes any medication (particularly medications for ADHD, depression, anxiety, etc) please clarify with Dr. Streicher whether or not your child should take the medication on the day of testing.

    Who should or should not attend the evaluation session?
    When the patient is a minor, the patient typically does not attend the first session, but this can vary from case to case.  Both parents (or legal guardians) should attend the initial interview session as well as the feedback session.  In general, it is usually best for siblings not to attend the sessions.  When the patient is a college student, his/her parent(s) should be available for phone consultation, if possible.


    Office Hours




    9:00 am-5:00 pm






    9:00 am-5:00 pm



